Have you noticed that marketing continues to evolve at a faster rate than the year before? For many campground owners, the shift into social media was already a huge change in how they had thought of marketing for the last 50 years. Some are still playing catch up and things are only going to keep changing more rapidly.
Voice marketing is something you have to start thinking about now. In the near future, why would anyone sit down in front of a computer and type out a search query when they could simply ask a smart speaker or their phone to do all that hard work for them? Of course voice search has a ways to go before that happens, but not long.
Is your website designer making sure that voice assistants can read your website like a human being can today? How do you make sure that the answer someone gets when they ask for a campground nearby or when they ask for a campground in your location results in your RV park being the first one Alexa answers with?
Image Credit: Sirinarth Mekvorawuth / EyeEm The rise of voice assistants has put a new customer-facing channel on the map for marketers. The promise is clear: voice-enabled devices operate as a fine blend of digital and physical realities, which makes room for truly contextual interactions with users. But with […]